Monday, March 21, 2022

Converting Ami Pro .SAM files to .doc or .txt

Ami Pro was by far the best word processor of it's time. That was the time of Windows 3.1, and later Windows 95. It was bought by Lotus, and instead of being developed into the word processor I wish I would have now, it eventually disappeared... 

Nowadays, there is no easy way to get to the content of these old .sam files. The files are just plain ASCII text (except when they have embedded bitmap images). But extracting the raw text from the files is not simple. For example, all accented characters are written in a strange format: "é" is written as "<\i>" in the file, "à" as "<\`>", etc.

After trying various solutions like installing Windows NT 4 into a virtual machine, or directly installing Lotus Ami Pro 3.1 into an old Windows XP VM, I came across mentions of a plugin for Microsoft Word that would allow it to read .sam files. That plugin itself was hard to find. It seems to have been included in old Microsoft converter packs which are not available anymore. This blog post from 2011 explains how to install the "Ami Pro" plugin from but unfortunately the download is not available there anymore, saying "Sadly this old filter no longer appears to work".

Eventually, I could find it at where it can still be downloaded :

And it does work in MS Word 2003, which I had in an old Windows XP virtual machine.

So, if you have Word 2003,

  • Get that file from (or from here)
  • Copy "Ami332.cnv"
    to "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\TextConv\Ami332.cnv"
  • Open Word, and in the File / Open... window, under "Files of type:" select "Ami Pro 3.o (*.sam)" (or "All Files (*.*)")
    You will get this warning on which you will have to click "Yes":
    This file needs to be opened by the Ami Pro 3.0 text converter, which may pose a security risk if the file you are opening is a malicious file. Choose Yes to open this file only if you are sure it is from a trusted source.

If you have many files to convert, you can map macros to buttons in Word to make it easier. Here are 2 macros in that ancient VBS language which Word understands, to save the current file as ".doc" and as ".txt":

Sub SaveAsDOC()
' Save current document as .txt
    strDocName = ActiveDocument.Name
    strPath = ActiveDocument.Path & "\"
    intPos = InStrRev(strDocName, ".")
    strDocName = Left(strDocName, intPos - 1)
    strDocName = strPath & strDocName & ".doc"

    ActiveDocument.SaveAs _
        FileFormat:=wdFormatDocument, _
        FileName:=strDocName, _
End Sub

Sub SaveAsTXT()
' Save current document as .txt

    strDocName = ActiveDocument.Name
    strPath = ActiveDocument.Path & "\"
    intPos = InStrRev(strDocName, ".")
    strDocName = Left(strDocName, intPos - 1)
    strDocName = strPath & strDocName & ".txt"

    ActiveDocument.SaveAs _
        FileFormat:=wdFormatText, _
        FileName:=strDocName, _
        AddToRecentFiles:=True, _
        Encoding:=1252, _
End Sub

If you are on Mac or Linux or have WSL installed in Windows, you may also want to use Bash to convert the .txt files from their Windows CP 1252 character set to UTF-8:

for f in *.txt; do recode cp1252/..utf8/ "$f"; done # using recode

Or if you don't have recode but have iconv:

for f in *.txt; do iconv -f cp1252 -t utf8 -o "$f.tmp" "$f" && mv -f "$f.tmp" "$f"; done

To set the modification time of the new files to the time of the originals, the touch command can be used in Bash :

for f in *.SAM; do touch -c -r "$f" "${f%%.SAM}.txt"; done  # date of .SAM file to .txt file
for f in *.SAM; do touch -c -r "$f" "${f%%.SAM}.doc"; done  # date of .SAM file to .doc file
# or for both .txt and .doc files a once;
for f in *.SAM; do touch -c -r "$f" "${f%%.SAM}.txt" "${f%%.SAM}.doc"; done

The Word converter does not import bitmap images embedded in the Ami Pro file. These can be extracted with te following perl script:

#!/usr/bin/env perl

## Extract bitmaps embedded in file (like in Ami Pro .SAM files)

use strict;

my $debug = 1;

my $file = shift;
die "Usage: $0 FILENAME\n" unless (-r $file);

open my $fh, '<:raw', $file;
read $fh, my $all, -s $fh;
close $fh;

my $filesize = -s $file;

my $count;
while ( $all =~ /(BM.{12})/sg ) {
    my $m = $1;
    warn "# ", join(" ", unpack("(H2)*", "$m")), "\n" if $debug;
    my ($bm, $size, $res1, $res2, $offset) = unpack "A2 V H4 H4 V", $m;
    if ( $offset > $size or $size > $filesize ) {
        warn "# Skipping false positive at $-[0] (size $size > file size $filesize)\n" if $debug;

    warn "Found at $-[0]:\n",
          "BM     = $bm\n",
          "size   = $size\n",
          "res1   = $res1\n",
          "res2   = $res2\n",
          "offset = $offset\n" if $debug;

    my $bitmap = substr($all, $-[0], $size);
    print "Saving $file-$count.bmp\n";
    open my $bmfile, '>:raw', "$file-$count.bmp" or die;
    print $bmfile $bitmap;

Finally, an alternative which I only found afterwards is to install Lotus SmartSuite 9.8 which can be downloaded from the WinWorld site :

That will also let you open Ami Pro files and save them in various other formats. One advantage is that when saving to Word 97 .doc files, embedded images are preserved.

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