Mac install
Update (May 2012): this entry is not quite up-to-date. The "Mac Install notes" on Google docs may be much better.
A few links to (free) software I want on the Mac when doing a fresh install:- Firefox (the standard web browser)
- Smultron (text editor. After install, in Smultron's help menu, also do: "install command-line utility")
- Fink (essential open source shell tools like wget, etc.)
- NeoOffice or (Office documents like Word, Excel, etc.)
- Videolan VLC player (plays most audio/video formats which QT or iTunes don't)
- Lingon (launchd configuration editor)
- muCommander (File manager (and FTP client). Not as great as Total Commander, but better than nothing) (or the shareware Disk Order?)
- MediInfo (displays all the gory details about audio/video files)
- ExpressCard SATA driver (OS X 10.5 driver for Silicon Image SiI3132 chipset, Vendor ID 0x1095, Device ID 0x3132. For 10.6 or other systems look here)
- Carbon Copy Cloner (disk cloning)
- Cyberduck (another FTP client for people who don't like muCommander or need more FTP features)
- DiffMerge (visually compare and merge files)
- Timecode Calculator Widget (a dashboard widget)
File locations:
On the Mac, many standard Unix files are in different locations than expected:- /var/db/smb.conf for the Samba configuration
- /private/etc/sshd_config for the SSH server config.
- /private/var/at/tabs/$USER for the user's crontab
- /private/var/mail/$USER for system mail (like cron output)
To change the silly default computer name: System Preferences -> Sharing. If it is not enough, try$ sudo hostname my-permanent-name $ sudo scutil -set LocalHostName $(hostname) $ sudo scutil -set HostName $(hostname)Configure Terminal
$ mkdir ~/bin $ echo "export PATH=\$PATH:~/bin" >>~/.profile $ echo "export EDITOR=nano" >>~/.profile $ echo "export PS1='\[\e]2; \$PWD \a\e[32;1m\]\$PWD/\$\[\e[0m\] '" >>~/.profileThese preferences use the "Grass" look with a 12pt Andale Mono font. To use them:
cp Downloads/ Library/Preferences/Then "Force Quit" Terminal. (otherwise, Terminal will overwrite them on exit with it's current settings)
I also like a longer history:
$ echo "export HISTSIZE=2000" >>~/.profileI use many external disks and Time Machine constantly asking me if I want to use that disk for backups annoys me. To disable it:
$ defaults write DoNotOfferNewDisksForBackup -bool YES