Postgres: allow dynamic IPs in pg_hba.conf
- Open an ssh connection to the server
- Start the pg_open script
Since the end of pg_hba.conf is usually to deny all access, the line to allow your IP needs te be before that. So you need some specific text in the file to let the script know where to put your IP, and that specific text must be configured in the script.
Here is the pg_open script:
#!/usr/bin/perlThe limitations are that, as it is, it will only allow one such connection at a time. Also, there should be a timeout or some cron job which removes the allowed IP after some time.
# open postgres access to current ssh client
my $conf_file = '/etc/postgresql/pg_hba.conf';
my $reload_cmd = '/etc/init.d/postgresql reload';
# the following 2 markers must exist in the file
my $mark_start = '#---- Temporary access for dynamic IP ----';
my $mark_end = '#---- End Temporary access for dynamic IP ----';
my $VERSION = 0.1;
use strict;
my ($ip, $confblock_new);
## find the IP, using the SSH_CLIENT environment variable
if ( $ENV{SSH_CLIENT} =~ /((?:\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3})/ ) {
$ip = $1;
$confblock_new = "\n$mark_start\n"
. "#Allow current SSH connection (" . scalar(localtime) . " user=$ENV{USER})\n"
. join("\t", "host", "all", "all", $ip, "", "trust")
. "\n$mark_end\n";
else {
die "Could not find ip of current SSH user (\$SSH_CLIENT=$ENV{SSH_CLIENT})\n";
## make a backup of the file
system("cp", $conf_file, "$conf_file.bak") == 0
or die "Could not create backup of $conf_file ($!)\n";
## Get file, and replace the relevant block
open(F, "$conf_file")
or die "Cannot read $conf_file: $!\n";
undef $/;
my $conf = <F>;
close F;
$conf =~ s/\n$mark_start\n.*?\n$mark_end\n/$confblock_new/s
or die "Could not find markers in file\n";
## Write new temp file then rename it to the right file name
open(NEW, ">$")
or die "Could not create new file $ ($!)\n";
print NEW $conf
or die "Could not write new file $ ($!)\n";
close NEW;
rename("$", $conf_file)
or die "Could not rename $ to $conf_file ($!)\n";
## Finally signal postmaster to reload the new file
system($reload_cmd) == 0
or die "Could not reload postgresql ($!)\n";
Labels: perl